Teams 2002:


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Year 2002 ... year zero.

Jordan honestly seems to be starting from zero.

After the good 1999 season from the Irish team one hoped for the final jump also because of the agreement with Honda about the engines supply. Instead, for various (often unknown) reasons a worrying decline have been registered at the exact time when a direct confrontation with B.A.R. was needed.

Now Honda seems like an uncomfortable comparison metre, a Damocles’ sword rather then a valid technological support.

With a technical structure all to be re-organised because of the presence of so many faults, Fisichella return and some other problem to close the necessary budget, 2002 could be a turning point, for the good or for the bad. Not only the agreement with Honda is on stake (which soon will decide about its programs - if they haven’t already secretly done it) but the team image also because they might have to choose a different official supply in alternative.

The bet is to do well despite difficulties, trying first of all to solve the competition arrangement which EJ12 had for the whole of the year and take advantage of the new Honda with a bigger V.

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First test was on the Silverstone wet track with few laps while waiting for the official presentation.

Mainly a racing car is got to be fast, beauty is an optional... Actually the new Jordan doesn’t shine for its beauty even if the final colour, as tradition wants, surely will be nice.

The new Jordan looks profoundly re-touched; basically every single part has been modified. A very tall chassis catch the eye coming down with a flowing nose, square and narrow definitely different from the penetrating nose of the previous car. The sides seem quite similar but they have been modified at the air vent, now much bigger and to be less rounded at the front in order to have a more classical style. The rear tongues are the same but probably only provisionally like the front wing ( one can tell from the vertical rod at the place of the upside-down V).

Even the engine air vent shape is different, now more rounded.

Technical schedule

The English team hasn’t let out any official data.